Geekbook | 5 Things You Should See

By Published On: February 28, 2014

by Jeff Howland

Another week with not much to snark about, but I do have a lot to share. In fact, today’s ‘5 Things’ includes 7 things.


5 Things You Should See

1. The Animal Rescue League of Berks County’s ‘Book Buddies’ program invites children to visit and read to homeless cats.


2. These guys have a pretty amazing theory about the true identify of Andy’s mom in Toy Story. It’s logical, though a bit of a stretch. I want to believe it.


3. This toddler starts crying when she sees the slideshow from her parents’ wedding. You might get a lip quiver too.


4. Man spends last months alive making his girlfriend’s dreams come true.


5. Sneaking a kiss through the Berlin Wall.



6. Using sequential photography from 10 different cameras, Michael Mariant’s film follows a ship on a 8 hour journey through the canal, in only 5 minutes. 


7. Man able to see after 22 years being blind, writes this note to his wife.


MusicMagic: The Cars

Quote – There are too many books I haven’t read, too many places I haven’t seen, too many memories I haven’t kept long enough. Irwin Shaw

Word – Razz raz, verb: to deride, make fun of; tease

Read – Is Amazon Bad for Books? – George Packer, The New Yorker


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