Daily Must Reads
Here are the media, tech, small biz, and culture stories people are talking about today, curated by Jeff Howland.
This Is What Comes After Search
Christopher Mims, Quartz
Why Brands are Determined to Make You Cry
by Rae Ann Fera, Fast Company
The Great Unwatched
by David Segal, The New York Times
Amazon Extends Its Shopping Cart to Twitter
by Natasha Lomas, TechCrunch
Newsrooms Pay for Scoops: Will it Escalate the Practice?
by Al Tompkins, Poynter.
Sitting All Day is Bad for Your Brain, Too
by Gregory Ferenstein, VentureBeat
Dream Local Digital’s, Jennifer Shone, is presenting a webinar at 3pm ET on May 8. She’ll be discussing the rapidly changing landscape of online marketing – what is working for advertisers, and who your competition REALLY is. How to find your audience where they are (both for the listener and their advertisers). REGISTER HERE
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