Local Media Innovation Conference and Technology Showcase
Tweets from Local Media Association’s conference
The Local Media Association‘s Innovation Conference and Technology Showcase, held this week in Philadelphia, covered topics ranging from crowdfunding, big data, and training techniques, to getting unstuck in the digital world and how to incubate a lean startup.
The tweeters have been busy, so here’s a roundup of the most popular tweets.
Good morning from Philly! Ready for @LocalMediaAssoc #innocon14 going to be a great day! pic.twitter.com/FxV2iLVsNA
— Shannon Kinney (@shannonkin) October 1, 2014
.@lewisdvorkin presenting Forbes transformation at #innocon14. Contributor model has been a key element of growth. pic.twitter.com/mzq7jr3A3f — Jake Berry (@jakeberry8) October 1, 2014
Social media is colliding w/ mobile. This is going 2 crush traditional newsrooms that refuse to change. @lewisdvorkin #innocon14 keynote
— Nancy Lane (@localmediarocks) October 1, 2014
Nearly 50% of our audience is mobile, 42% is smartphone not tablet. Audience moving faster than money @forbes @lewisdvorkin #innocon14 — Shannon Kinney (@shannonkin) October 1, 2014
@lewisdvorkin “Money’s still in desktop. Audience is moving mobile. That’s a challenge.” Totally agree. #innocon14
— Emily Walsh (@EmilyWalshParry) October 1, 2014
Ad viewability is going 2 change everything;u want to get scared, find out what the ad viewability is on your sites @lewisdvorkin #innocon14 — Nancy Lane (@localmediarocks) October 1, 2014
Love it. Just heard the word wackadoo used at a conference. #awesome #innocon14
— Shannon Kinney (@shannonkin) October 1, 2014
On the #innocon14 stage right now is @cleepost talking native advertising @deseretdigital Good stuff! pic.twitter.com/gK5oPZgECN — Nancy Lane (@localmediarocks) October 1, 2014
Avoid missteps in native advertising from@JaredFSmart @deseretdigital https://t.co/oFRo06zRbi #innocon14 part of DDM’s be BrandForge solution
— Clark Gilbert (@ClarkGilbert) October 1, 2014
Perfect person 2 run your native business: someone w/ public relations/marketing background Shout out 2 @BobMacey @deseretdigital #innocon14 — Nancy Lane (@localmediarocks) October 1, 2014
Community newspapers, represent! @calkinsmedia @mgjameson details growth of video efforts & monetization #innocon14 pic.twitter.com/Q54F40y2kK
— Calkins Media (@calkinsmedia) October 1, 2014
Best presentation ever on #nativeadvertising, close to real metrics, pricing that makes sense #innocon14 great job @cleepost — Edwin Ruis (@edwinruis) October 1, 2014
@saltyfoster on the screen! the success story from @DObservermedia #innocon14 #lmaim14 pic.twitter.com/dzS7i034cX
— Edwin Ruis (@edwinruis) October 1, 2014
Beautiful Schurz people! Christy and Kerry stopping by Adpay @LocalMediaAssoc #innocon14 pic.twitter.com/CWNtHv4YVS — Deb Dreyfuss-Tuchman (@dreytuch) October 1, 2014
Awesome pragmatic innovation panel moderated by @gcharter going on right now; great idea 2 share constructive failures + success #innocon14
— Nancy Lane (@localmediarocks) October 1, 2014
I appreciate the #transparency from Matt Walsh when talking about their dig agency. Too often we only hear how great things are #innocon14 — Terry Ward (@TerryRWard) October 1, 2014
@dougphares emphasizes that news journalists should NOT write native ad content. Agreed. #innocon14
— Matthew Sanders (@Sanders_Matt) October 1, 2014
Pillars of Lean Startup framework: uncertainty. Oh boy is that true! @mcoen #innocon14 — Shannon Kinney (@shannonkin) October 1, 2014
Lean Principle discussion at a media conference. FUN! @mcoen #innocon14 #notyouraverageconference pic.twitter.com/SFIomD1jvI
— Amie Stein (@Amiestein) October 1, 2014
#innocon14 join the fun! Thanks brainworks!! pic.twitter.com/EC2B6vLgAL
— Local Media Assoc. (@LocalMediaAssoc) October 1, 2014
Good morning, #innocon14! Stop by this morning for some coffee with @BenjaminBeaver1. pic.twitter.com/L4cfk7p9Gm
— Second Street (@secondstreet) October 2, 2014
Great content can live on @LinkedIn for days. 3 million company pages @Yumiwilson #innocon14
— Shannon Kinney (@shannonkin) October 2, 2014
“I probably spend about a third of my time working on our culture” @shannonkin on building innovation within SMB’s #innocon14
— Alexis Fedor (@realviewUS) October 2, 2014
Love my Innovation Mission family. Create the culture! #innocon14 pic.twitter.com/N0R7YGmVKG
— Emily Walsh (@EmilyWalshParry) October 2, 2014
Awesome job! @localmediarocks @shannonkin @ImPossters @edwinruis #innocon14
— Terry Ward (@TerryRWard) October 2, 2014
3rd day in. The thinking grows deeper. Another seriously good conference from @LocalMediaAssoc. #innoCon14
— Ruth Presslaff (@livelaff) October 2, 2014
@david_arkin sharing research results. Digital/print audiences similar. May not be the same people but they have same interests. #innocon14
— Deb Shaw LMA (@debshawlma) October 2, 2014
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