3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Customer Always Thinking of You

By Published On: October 2, 2017

For your customers to be thinking about you, they need to be hearing from you.

It’s as simple as that. You need to stay top of mind with your customers so that when they need you, they will think of you instead of your competitors.

Here are three simple ways to keep your customers thinking about you:

1. Social Media

Social media might seem obvious, but many businesses are trying to figure out how to make it work for them. Forty-two percent of businesses are on social media (that’s comparable to the amount that has websites) because they know that’s where their customers are. But just being on social media is not effective in and of itself. You need to have a strategy to gain any kind of following; without one, your chances of generating leads and customers from it are slim.

Make sure you are on the right platform. It’s not going to do you any good to hang out on Snapchat if your customers are seniors – they’re just not going to be there. What your business sells should affect the social platform that you choose. If you’re not sure where your target audience is hanging out, read our blog on how to choose the right social platform.

Be consistent. Creating a few pieces of content here and there is not going to keep you on your customers’ mind. To build a meaningful relationship with your customers online, you need to be a consistent content creator.

Create valuable content. Without interesting content, your engagement will drop off, along with the benefit of being on social media. Post content that will provide value to your target audience. Social media is about being social, not about pushing sales. Share things related to your field; share tips; share things about you and your business. In short: be social.

2. Email

Email is an incredibly efficient way to market to your audience and keep them thinking of you. Whether you’re just getting started or you have a huge list of subscribers, you can run a successful email marketing campaign.

Here are a couple of tips:

  • Reward your subscribers by giving them something that they can only access through email – something like a special discount code – and make it clear that they are receiving it because they are an email subscriber.
  • Make your purpose clear within the first two sentences. If you don’t get right to the point, people will most likely get bored and not finish your email. You don’t want them hitting that “unsubscribe” button. So, get right to the point and make it relevant to your customer.

3. Blogging

Blogging gives you a wealth of original and evergreen content to share with your followers on social media. It’s a chance for you to show off your knowledge and position you as a go-to expert in your field. You also have the opportunity to share your personality, stories, and give people an insight into what makes your business unique. The key is to stay consistent. If you blog regularly people will anticipate your content and keep you in mind.


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