Why Mom Loves Twitter

By Published On: September 20, 2012

Mom on Twitter

By Eliece Hammond
The reason my Mom originally started using Twitter was to follow the Chicago Bulls, she’s a huge Bulls fan. It so intrigued her that she could read the running commentary of the players after the game, while they were on an airplane traveling. They posted all these tweets about this little stuffed dog and created quite a persona for him, which she thought was a real person for a while. Mom also follows Cher, Eckhart Tolle, Alton Brown, Suze Orman… she is fascinated by their tweets, says it’s interesting to see what their views are.

My Mom has 1,500 followers and this is not her job, during the day she’s a hospice nurse. She says there is a guy that wrote a book called Live Life Like a Fruit Fly that retweets her and she is really proud of that. Live Life Like a Fruit Fly is about life is short, so live it to the fullest. Mom is endlessly inspired by people with different viewpoints, you might have a drastically different political view or religious view from her and you would never know… she won’t unfollow you unless you are trying to sell her something and that’s all you’re doing. Don’t offer my Mom more followers for a price, all of her followers are hard earned, Bub.

If you use scatological language, my Mom will probably unfollow you. She says, “I can handle an f-word or something in a tweet once in a while, but if it’s too raunchy – I’ll just unfollow.” She also doesn’t consider 1,500 a lot of followers, since most people she follows have 3,000 or 6,000 or 20,000 or even 100,000… but let’s be real, it’s a huge accomplishment for a traveling hospice nurse who tweets inspirational quotes and retweets whoever she finds inspiring on her spare time (read:  after a long work day).

“You have 140 characters, and it has to fit in there and I think it’s poetic – a lot of thought goes in to what you post up there. I try to make my tweets count. And I think we should be free with our retweets, too. People love to get retweeted, it’s just a nice thing to do.”

Spoken like a true Mom.

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