How to Get Your Message Through in Today’s Distracted World

By Published On: March 16, 2018

In today’s distracted world it’s more important than ever to get your message through to your consumers.

As society grows and evolves in the Information Age, it’s never been easier to connect with people from all over the planet. With the right tools and knowledge, a single person or business can amplify their voice and be heard by a global audience. In practice, however, it can be challenging to grab and keep the attention of your target audience when they are also being bombarded by similar requests for their attention. In this blog post, we’ll be sharing our tips on how to overcome all of the distraction to get your message through to consumers.
Don’t Overwhelm Your Audience

Notification fatigue is a relatively new phenomenon that is a result of a growing number of apps and services constantly delivering notifications and emails. All of this persistent noise makes it easy for people to tune out everything altogether. One way to combat this in order to get your message seen is to scale back the frequency of your email campaign. You could also stagger your email schedule and your social media schedule to prevent users from seeing your content on multiple channels simultaneously and feeling overwhelmed by your outreach.

Consistency is Key

Since consumers might be seeing your marketing campaign on several channels at the same time, take advantage of this by making sure your messaging and branding are consistent on all platforms. Presenting a unified front is an easy way to demonstrate your brand appeal to potential and existing customers. If your marketing campaign appears unorganized and muddled, your audience may view that as indicative of how you run your business, and will dismiss you without even giving your messaging a chance.

Focus on Email

Consumers are nearly twice as likely to give their attention to an email rather than to a social media ad. This is largely due to email being more of a voluntary channel for marketing and less intrusive than social media. People use Facebook for many reasons, but ad consumption is not very high on that list. Additionally, most users are checking their social media feeds in quick bursts throughout the day–like while on the bus or waiting in line at the grocery store–and aren’t able, or willing, to invest the time to fully digest your messaging. They expect to find this type of messaging in their email inbox and are more willing to give it their attention when it’s in a more accommodating and predictable location.

The advertising landscape is constantly shifting, and it can be difficult to keep up with all the changes. While implementing new marketing strategies can be confusing and intimidating, the payoff is usually worth the effort. At Dream Local, we pride ourselves in adapting to the changing landscape and determining what does and doesn’t work. Contact us today and let our skilled and practiced marketing strategist team navigate the world of digital marketing for you so you can focus on running your business.

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