Newspapers That Are Owning It On Pinterest

By Published On: March 11, 2013

Pinterest, the social media channel that brings out the wedding planners, world travelers, and homemakers in thousands of users, is becoming more and more appealing for publishers.  Newspapers across the country are finding a niche on Pinterest, taking advantage of the visually-appealing nature of the site.

Four big-name newspapers are using Pinterest to promote their content and seeing terrific results!

The New York Times provides breaking news and world news topics, as well as a very popular crossword section; however, this type of content usually doesn’t work well on Pinterest.  Pinterest users are more likely to pin “feel good” images and articles that are related to lifestyle, such as exercise routines and fashion advice.  On The New York Times’ Pinterest account, pinned items focus on food, drinks, interior design, weddings, travel, cute animals, and personal style; items that are most appealing to the 80% female Pinterest population.  With approximately 53,524 followers on their Pinterest page, their content is being seen and shared by many other users.

The Wall Street Journal has also made a name for itself on Pinterest by focusing on real estate, fashion, graphics, and many other visually-stimulating images and links.  The Wall Street Journal is well-known for its breaking news stories and information about the stock market, which is featured on their website’s homepage.  Information about these topics is reserved for their Facebook and Twitter channels, while Pinterest focuses on their “Life & Culture” section, which contains the images and topics that Pinterest users find interest in.  One interesting aspect of their account is the “WSJ Quotes” board.  The board pulls quotes from the publication in creative, unique ways.  This makes their content fresh and different in comparison to other publications.  The Wall Street Journal has 36,584 followers on Pinterest, due in large part to posting the right content on the right channel.

The Boston Globe, New England’s leading news source, is available online and in print.  However, receiving news through requires a membership, providing an opportunity for The Boston Globe to gain revenue.  Their Pinterest channel, which boasts 1,089 followers, features pins that drive traffic to  Through Pinterest, users may read the corresponding article to the pin.  The Boston Globe does not post every article to Pinterest, leaving room for enticement to subscribe to The Boston Globe online or to buy the print newspaper.

The L.A. Times has a Pinterest channel devoted exclusively to food, one of the most popular topics on the site.  Various boards cover recipes, dinner entrées, desserts, kitchen designs, and party ideas.  Its “Fabulous Food” board is collaborative, which allows other Pinterest users to pin recipes as well.  Collaborative boards are great for a number of reasons; for publishers, this is a tool that can be used to engage readers, or to seek expert or celebrity contributions for the board.  For example, actress and food blogger Tess Masters, or “The Blender Girl,” who contributes to the “Fabulous Food” board.  This type of contribution can enhance a publication’s overall credibility, and it can drive more unique fans to the publication’s website and Pinterest boards.  The L.A. Times Food has approximately 2,530 followers at the moment.

Other newspapers and publications should consider creating Pinterest accounts for their businesses.  Focusing on topics that will best fit the social media channel, such as lifestyle articles and photos, will engage other Pinterest users and increase the newspaper’s popularity on the site.  Save breaking news stories for Twitter; talking about happy topics is the best way to start conversations and share information on Pinterest.

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