Online Media Signal
BuzzFeed: “The Number One Digital Media Brand”
by Felix Salmon, Medium
“…if you’re looking at this investment and asking how anybody could pay that kind of money for a bunch of listicles, you’re looking at this investment all wrong.”
Email Is Still the Best Thing On the Internet
Alexis Madrigal, The Atlantic
“The gentle, dependable workhorse that everyone relies on and nobody owns.”
Hit the Reset Button in Your Brain
by Daniel J. Levitin, The New York Times
“This month, many Americans will take time off from work to go on vacation … and many of us will feel guilty for doing so.”
Web Trolls Winning as Incivility Increases
by Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times
“As long as the Internet keeps operating according to a click-based economy, trolls will maybe not win, but they will always be present.”
Robin Williams: 1951-2014
by Longreads
Comedian and actor Robin Williams died on Monday at the age of 63. Here are five in-depth interviews with him.
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Jeff Howland
Community / Marketing Manager
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