Free Webinar: Easy Steps to Holiday Prep

By Published On: August 31, 2018Tags: ,

Is your business ready for the upcoming holiday shopping season?

We’ve got a few digital marketing tips to help make it easy for shoppers to buy from you.

Attend our live webinar, “Easy Steps to Holiday Prep,” September 18, at noon eastern with Founder and Client Success Officer Shannon Kinney to get a jumpstart on preparing your digital marketing for holiday shoppers.

During this half-hour webinar, you will learn:

  • Some steps that will make it easier for customers to shop with you, including optimizing your product pages
  • Why it’s important to provide customer service on social media
  • Tips on planning your social media advertising
  • Advice on how to keep customers after their holiday purchases

Space is limited, so fill out the form below to reserve your virtual seat. All those who sign up will receive the webinar recording, the #HoneyBadger Holiday Kit, and a copy of the presentation slides; therefore, if you can’t join us live, you can still sign up to get the assets. Hope to see you there!

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