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2024 Growth and Scale Needs Survey

We are conducting this survey to better understand the evolving needs, pains, frustrations and goals of business owners and marketing professionals of growth-motivated companies. Not only will this information help Dream Local Digital refine its services, but the answers will be compiled into a comprehensive report that will be sent to you. 

PRIZE ALERT: Of course, we understand that your time is valuable and appreciate you taking the time to help us better understand your needs and pain points. To thank you for your participation in this survey, you will be entered for a chance to win the following prize pack:

  • Comprehensive website and SEO audit
  • $300 Amazon gift card
  • And your choice of:
    • 6 FREE months of our Strategic Growth Accelerator (for businesses with aggressive growth goals) $1,500 value
    • 3 FREE months of our SkillsBuilder Marketing Coach program (for businesses that want to tackle their own marketing) $1,191 value

We will also be choosing participants at random to receive $20 Amazon gift cards and 3-month subscriptions to the Strategic Growth Accelerator Newsletter and Members-Only Community throughout the duration of the survey. Everyone who participates will receive Mastering LinkedIn in 3 Easy Steps: A Guide to LinkedIn Success. ($150 value) This guide will help you fully utilize LinkedIn so that you can build and nurture your network without spending excessive time on the platform.

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