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Are You Ready to Switch From Google’s Universal Analytics to GA4?


Google will replace its standard Universal Analytics (UA) with the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4) on July 1, 2023.

The sunset date for the enterprise version, Universal Analytics 360, has been pushed back to July 1, 2024. But that doesn’t mean you should delay switching to GA4.

How will this update affect businesses and digital marketers? What benefits does GA4 offer? And when should you make the transition from UA to GA4? Let’s dive in.

What is GA4?

GA4 is the latest update of Google’s data collection and analytics software, which tracks data from your property, such as a website or application. You can start using GA4 now, or wait for the sunset dates to go into effect. However, we suggest switching to GA4 as soon as possible to collect data now.

This software enables websites and businesses to track their website’s visitors, engagement and conversion. These insights are valuable to marketers and companies of all sizes.

How is GA4 different from UA?

While UA is session-based (recording data for each “session” or person’s visits to your property), GA4 is event-based. That means GA4 tracks actions such as button clicks or video clicks. This adjustment is based on the assertion that “events” or actions a visitor takes may be more significant than a page view/session.

In addition to event-based tracking, GA4 is different from UA in the following ways:

  • Cross-device and cross-channel tracking. GA4 collects data from various devices and channels to provide more accurate and holistic data.
  • Machine learning and AI tool integrations. GA4 uses AI tools to asses data and provide insightful predictions. Marketing professionals can use these predictions to direct and inform marketing campaigns and consumer responses.
  • Improved privacy control and data collection control. GA4 is said to be more privacy-friendly by not relying on cookies.

How will GA4 affect you?

Marketers, business owners, and professionals will benefit from this switch to GA4. While the initial switch may require some ramp-up time and research, GA4 will improve marketing and data collection.

Agency owners and digital marketing professionals will be able to employ the improved and new features of GA4 to enhance their marketing campaigns and advertisements. GA4 incorporates AI-powered tools for behavior modeling and predictions.

GA4 Benefits

GA4 offers all the perks of its predecessor, with some improved features and benefits. 

  • Customer Life Cycle Reporting
    Reports with GA4 are organized differently than with the previous version. Now, GA4 provides customer-centric measurements instead of measurements by platform or device. This customer-specific measurement can improve the accuracy of your marketing and advertisement efforts.
    GA4’s focus on cross-channel data tracking across various applications, websites and software improves engagement and life cycle tracking.
  • New Data Control Methods
    New privacy regulations and demand for data transparency can make data collection harder for businesses. GA4 provides options for data collection that meet these challenges. GDPR and CCPA are two such options. Businesses can manage their collection, retention and data usage better with GA4 while complying with regulations and customer demands.
  • Insights And Predictions Powered By AI
    With enough data, AI can assess and predict your visitors’ and customers’ behavior. The earlier you start using GA4, the more data you will have to analyze, making your prediction more accurate. The AI prediction in GA4 can alert you to growing or waning demand for a specific product or service. GA4 can proactively determine churn rates, outcomes, potential revenue and more.

GA4 promises the improved tracking and data collection that businesses and marketers need to enhance their marketing and conversions. Using a strategic marketing partner lets your business take full advantage of GA4 benefits.

Dream Local Digital partners with businesses throughout the USA to optimize their marketing efforts and data analytics. Our marketing services increase your conversion rates while saving you time and effort. Allow our team of professionals to provide data-driven insights that maximize your marketing efforts and meet your needs.

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