Shannon Kinney Named a Top ‘Local Digital Innovator’

By Published On: July 22, 2014

Local Media Association Announces Best in Digital Media Award Winners

Shannon Kinney, Founder and Client Success Officer at Dream Local Digital, has been named a top ‘Local Digital Innovator,’ by the Local Media Association, recognizing the best and most innovative organizations and people in the local media industry, globally.

The Local Media Association represents over 2,200 local news outlets globally, and each year recognizes the best in digital media, presenting awards across 18 categories, including best community website, best use of social media, and best digital advertising initiative (see full list here).

The ‘Local Digital Innovator’ award is given to people who have greatly improved their company’s digital value through innovation, risk taking, use of new technology, distribution methods and effective marketing.

“I am deeply honored and humbled by this recognition by an association that I so value for its industry leadership and innovation, and with esteemed colleagues that I so admire,” Kinney shared,  “Our mission at Dream Local Digital is to be a transformative part of the growth and change of traditional media in the digital age, and to receive this honor and recognition from the industry is so moving. Thank you!” – Shannon Kinney

In 2013 Shannon firmly set Dream Local Digital in the top tier of digital marketing agencies in North America. Founded in early 2009, the company set forth on a mission to expand media partnerships and develop new product offerings to adapt and lead the way in the ever-changing media advertising, social media, and digital marketing industries.

The company has served more than 20,000 small businesses in workshops, with online marketing strategy development, and the management of social media, search, and content marketing campaigns.

As the company continues to expand, Shannon uses her expertise and developing influence in the industry, supporting media partners, offering seminars for small businesses throughout North America, and speaking at events to advise peers and give entrepreneurs direction.

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