Dream Local Digital

20 Sep: Why Mom Loves Twitter

Mom on Twitter By Eliece Hammond The reason my Mom originally started using Twitter was to follow the Chicago Bulls, she’s a huge Bulls fan. It so intrigued her that…

18 Sep: Pinterest is Irresistible

Pinterest Puts Your Products Into My Ideal World By Eliece Hammond Irresistible collections of bright recipes, funny pets, cute outfits, fast cars, funky crafts, celebrities, places to travel, celebrations, inspiring…

07 Sep: Context is Decisive

Context is Decisive By Eliece Hammond Who Are You? We all know that in order to exist, a company has to fulfill on a customer need. For the company to…

31 Aug: Serious Social

The Serious Side of Social Media By Jeff Howland Tropical Storm Isaac continues to pound Louisiana, and a 7.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami struck the coast of the Phillipines today. As…